Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Week 1 of TBL - Dada VS Angah

The update on Week 1 of our TBL (Dada VS Angah).

Current weight: 77.1 kg

My BMI state that I am in the overweight  catergory, also indicate that my ideal weight is 54kg !  By my calculation if I stick with my diet and exercise regime will be able to reached my target in September 2011. That is a long way to go......

Anyway here are some  more  motivation for me from my dearest hubby:

1) Reached 75kg - New gym shoes

2) Reached 70kg - still thinking

3) Reached 65kg - can follow Angah to UK, if she present her paper there

4) Reached 60kg - LV bag

5) Reached 55kg - diamond earrings .......

The sad part of this deal is, IF i gain back the weight I have to pay him RM100 per kg I gain..... Hopefully this will not happened.

So far it is really hard to even reached 75kg, I have reached 77kg once but gain back some the next week. A friend of mine said I ate like I lost 10kg ...hahahahaha I guess this is true.............

Sunday, October 17, 2010

My Tumbler - Very Eco Friendly

 This is the tumbler I am using for to measure for this challenge. Full capacity 750ml so I consider this to be 2 1/2 glasses.

The one in the gym is slightly smaller than this one. I think the capacity is 450 to 500ml. Anyway for the gym tumbler I will consider as 1 glass since I need lots of water when I am exercising. 

Anyway,  trying to drink 8 glasses of water per day is actually really HARD to do.

Oh... almost forgot had salad for lunch at O'Brien. Only thing I have to say about me eating the salad is "Bagus sikit sahaja  dari makanan kambing" huhuhuhuuhuhu


Today is the official start date for The Biggest Loser (TBL) between Angah and Me (AKA Dada AKA Uteh). You can read more on the rules and regulation in Angah's blog (http://ehazchronicles.blogspot.com/)

She the self appointed administrator for the the game (hahahahaha).

Anyway details on me on  the start of the game:
Weight  :78.80kg
Height   :160cm
(will get more details on this tomorrow, the gym weighing scale has lots of info... maybe should buy one of those)

Thus far this is my activity:

5.00am  : Wake-up, cook breakfast (Chinese Stail Fried Mee Hoon)
6.00am  : Out from house to the gym
6.30am  : Crosstrainer 25minute
7.00am  : Various exercise weights, abds and chest (15 to 25 X 3 rep)
7.45am  : Stepper for 10min
8.30am  : At the office :-)

Plan to have salad for Lunch and Cereal for Dinner.

At they gym already had 3 glass of water. Need to do 5 more glass ...sigh .....

Will take picture of my tumbler both in the office and my gym's and post them up tomorrow.